Parents of our Australian Labradoodle puppies give rave reviews for the following professions. We hope all our labradoodle puppies will be well cared for by all of their care givers....
Cary/Raleigh, NC
Cary, NC
Wake Forest, NC
Sanford, NC
Angier, NC
Carolina Ranch Animal Hospital
Garner, NC
Raleigh, NC
Horsehead, NY

2. Groomers
Apex, NC
Elmira, NY
Cary/Raleigh, NC
Raleigh, NC
Wake Forest
Groomer - Tina
Cary - Ana in Grooming

We firmly believe that positive training/positive reinforcement, is the only and most appropriate and effective training for any dog. The use of prong collars, shock collars and heavy weighted collars is an abuse of the dog and inhumane. Many a dog has been killed by shock collars! Unknown health conditions are accentuated when using a shock collar. Please love your dog as family, not as an object to be owned!
3. Training
Private Training
Board & Train